Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blah blah blah

Well we're all moved. Like officially. All the boxes are unpacked, the post office has received my request for a Change Of Address and we're pretty much all settled in. Avery recognizes that our new home is home. Except let me just say that we live on the second floor. Hell. Avery weighs an incredible 21 pounds plus the added weight of groceries or diaper bag or whatever else I'm carrying up the stairs along with her. I think that is the most inconvenient part about our new place. At least I will have killer biceps in a few months though. Also, another inconvenient part is that we dont have a washer/dryer. Gotta start collecting quarters and rock out the laundry room.

Avery has become my little lap dog and I am teaching her tricks. She's pretty good at catching on and performing. I have taught her the "How big is Avery--So big!" trick. Also, when I say "oh Avery, what a bad cough you have!" she will start fake coughing. She gives open-mouthed kisses and hugs. She's so funny. Hilarious.

This summer has been pretty eventful. We've been all over Texas. We had a lot of fun but we're glad to be home.

I now have a job at Springs Enrichment Academy teaching theatre on Tuesdays. School starts Sept. 14 and I'm pretty excited. I am also babysitting on Mon/Weds every week to help pay ze bills. The gigantic mountain of student loan bills that have to be paid soon. Buhhhhhhh. I'm not sure what I was thinking before I started college but had I realized that I would accrue (sp?) so much debt, I might have re-thought that whole college thing. *sigh*

hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog