Monday, May 4, 2009


This week is the final week of classes!

Today I had my last creative drama class, my last directing class, and my last fieldwork teaching assignment (I was placed in a second grade classroom and had to teach 5 lessons).

I really learned a lot about myself this semester, not only as a teaching artist but also a person. So many things became clear to me and I gained a lot of perspective.

What I learned:

1.) 2nd graders are the most thoughtful and precious kids ever. After my final lesson today, the class presented me with thank you cards that they had made. One of them says: " Dear Karie- Your the Best teacher ever I wish you could stay for two mor weeks because if you leave I will miss you so much." Aww, bless their little hearts.

2.) Although I do enjoy teaching, I like directing better. I have become more aware of the fact that I have a good intuition and sense about things and it is more helpful in directing than in teaching. In directing, I can build an awesome set and create fantastic pictures and work the moments in a script but, if asked, I couldn't really tell you why I created those things or my reasoning behind it. I couldn't verbally explain it to you. You may think that this might be a flaw, but I think it's just good intuition. True, I haven't developed all the flowery language that professional directors use but I think directing just comes to me. In teaching, if you don't have that reasoning behind what you're doing, your lessons might not work out.

3.) Everything is going to be just fine. No worries.

4.) People are fascinating, yet so simple. This semester I was continually amazed by some peoples choices, decisions, and resolves. Including my own. I have been left to wonder about peoples motivations and how high the stakes are. And sometimes, people just do what they gotta do.

5.) True friends are hard to come by.

This semester has been spent reflecting a lot. Mostly because in every one of my classes I have had to write reflection paper after reflection paper where I am supposed to ponder and think about my work thus far in my college education. I think taking a critical look back on your work and your accomplishments is a vital part of growth and discovery and in order to have that shift in understanding of yourself, others, and the world around you, reflection is key.

I'm totally ready for summer! I just want to sit by the pool and think back to simpler times when my biggest decision involved what I was going to eat for lunch. I will also hopefully get a sparkling, dazzling tan. I want to look fabulous for my last year of college (which is why I purchased Carmen Electra's Home Workout DVD) and be in a peaceful mental state for when I take on those 21 hours in the fall.



  1. Onward and upward!! Reflection is good. So is introspection. Sounds like you're doing a bit of each.

    Definitely get that tan. All of our flaws look better when they're dark! I've been working on mine and am just a couple of shades away from "special dark!" Still have the cellulite, but at least it's not white and shiny anymore.


  2. As your mother I feel it is my duty to tell you to wear sunblock. At least on your face. You don't want to end up looking old, brown, and wrinkly like your tanned Aunt Gens.
    I hope you have a peaceful and relaxing summer, Karie. You deserve a good long break!

  3. I hope Aunt Gens doesn't read Blue's Blog.
    I love you, Karie, and listen to your mother.
