Thursday, June 25, 2009


Boy, it is hot.

Not only was it 105 degrees in Austin today, the air conditioning has been broken in my apartment for two days now. So I've been sitting around in my bathing suit, in front of a fan all day. The fan doesn't really help. It mostly just blows around hot air. Ick.

In other news, my bloodwork came back from the lab and my baby tested negative for Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18. Hooray for baby! Ouch for me because I have a huge blue and black bruise from where they took 5 viles of blood from my arm to do the tests.

It was an interesting time at the doctor visit last week. I went in for a sonogram because they had to measure the fluid behind the baby's neck, the bridge of the baby's nose and also how long baby is from head to butt. All of this measuring is to find out if the baby is growing properly, etc, etc. Well, in order to take all of these measurements the baby has to be in a certain position. If the baby is not in the ideal position for the measurements, the nurse just jostles my tummy around and the baby will turn over pretty quick. Pretty routine. In-and-out procedure.

Oh, no, no. Not for my baby.

My baby REFUSES to turn over. Instead she just sucks her thumb and looks at us. The nurse keeps jostling my tummy (Wilson and I ate lunch before we got to the doctor so her pushing down on my stomach REALLY made me have to go pee). Baby won't budge. Nurse pushes down some more. Baby waves at us. *sigh*

This goes on for about 30 minutes. The whole time the nurse is TALKING to my baby, trying to coax it into position. And not just talking...she's using this high pitched, I'm-talking-to-a-baby, goo goo gaa gaa, kind of voice. It's driving me nuts.

Finally I tell the nurse that I don't think my baby is going cooperate today and that we'll come back tomorrow and try again.


When I got home, you better believe that I gave that little lovely, lemon-sized baby of mine a good talking to. She may come from two nonconformist, uncooperative parents, but I'll be darned if she doesn't do what she's told tomorrow at the doctor's.

So I went back the next day and baby did everything perfectly, and without any back-talking or sass.

I hope that this was not a sign of what is to come.


  1. Maybe Baby is just a love not a fighter, and all it took was some peaceful protest from her momma for her to see the error of her ways! (Or, maybe that lunch momma ate the day before made her lethargic?)

  2. LOLOLOL this post made me laugh out loud Karie. You are already thinking and "talking" like a true mother!

  3. Made me laugh out loud too, Karie. I can't wait to see you and Baby on Monday!

  4. Now you've learned that sometimes when your baby is uncooperative it's best just to take the little darling home and try again another day. Keep this lesson in mind when your baby is throwing a fit at the mall, the grocery store, the post office, wherever.
    In the meantime, you speak kindly to our sweet little Buttercup!

  5. Sit in a chair, rock gently, rub your bump and sing to her. She'll feel the rocking and rubbing and hear your voice. I know I love her already!

  6. PS--I hope you have a great time at Christy's house!
