Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh, baby

For those of you who read my mothers blog, you may have been perplexed by one of her posts a few weeks ago about a certain secret named "buttercup." The secret is not hers, but mine.

But it's not a secret anymore.

I'm going to have a baby!

[I'll give you a moment to take that in.]

Yes, while unplanned and unexpected, I am going to have a little bitty bundle. I am very excited and looking forward to it. Wilson, who I have dated for 3 1/2 years, is the papa and is also very excited (and a little bit scared).

I'm 10 weeks pregnant so the baby will be here at the end of December. How's that for a Christmas present?? I'm going to stay and finish school because I only have two semesters left and I really want my degree.

I'm currently taking suggestions for names. I won't find out for 8 or 9 weeks if it's a girl or boy...but I just have a feeling it's a girl.

Right now, the baby is the size of a kumquat. Last week, she was a grape. I wonder what fruit she will be next week...

Anyways, that's my exciting news! I am really happy and daddy is really happy and we're going to make sure our baby has everything she needs.

She. Everyone, think "girl" thoughts.


  1. Do you think if I sew enough pink and yellow stripey-flowered-plaid-polka dot items that Buttercup WILL be a girl? I still think you should name her Caroline or Genevieve.
    I'm very excited for you, Karie. I think you'll be the coolest, most fun Mama ever.
    (I'm excited for me too! I get to love on The Most Perfect Baby Ever without having to give birth to it.)

  2. Congratulations, Karie! I hope it is a girl! I love Caroline and Genevieve. Or you could name her after your doll, Jennie Christy. Hee.

  3. I vote for Bluebell or Baby Bear! Oh wait...those will be her/his nicknames! Loving this baby already!

  4. If you name her Caroline we'd have a little bitty Care-Bear. To go along with our big Kare-Bear. : )

  5. Princess Buttercup is obviously what you should name it and not something so terrifically gay like Genevieve.
    Princess Buttercup pays homage to both your mom's secret name and The Princess Bride, which is an awesome movie. Also, it will cause people to cause her Princess, because that is her name.
    Whatever you do, don't name it Jennie Christy. Wendy Wendy works though.

  6. Some ideas are floating around my head. No one in your family will like them, though.

    Okay. First things first. Do I assume correctly that this baby will be a Warner, or will it be a Wilson What's His Last Name or a hyphenated combination? That makes a difference in first and middle names. Are you keen on middle names?

    What are your ideas? Traditional, new age?

    I have an affinity for unusual names, particularly for girls names which are usually traditionally boys names.

    I'll think up a list and send them to you privately. That way, on the slim chance you end up using part or all of a name I suggest, no one will have to know it came from me. (How's that for trying to keep my arse out of hot water?!)

    P.S. I'm dying to find out the gender. I can't pass through the baby aisle of any store without wanting to buy something.

  7. OK now I know I'm really old! I agree with all the names suggested--maybe except ooney ballooney...

    I was also wondering what you will use for her last name. BTW, Amy, it's Addison.

    I tried and tried to get one of my girls to name a baby girl Riley--rilee, reileigh, whatever--I always thought it was such a darling little girl's name.

    Congratulations Honey! I love you and I already love this little one.

  8. I'm glad you finally let everybody else in on the secret, Kare-bear. You and Wilson will have all of our support to go along with the boundless love the two of you will supply.

  9. Names that I like-

    Kyle (for a girl, not a boy)
    Jayne (Jane)
    Cadence (does that sound like a stripper name?)


    Those are the names that I like so far. No Genevieve. No Caroline. Just because those were the names of my two best friends in pre-school, they didn't make the cut for my childs name. lol.

    And I'm pretty sure the baby's last name will be Addison. Mostly because I want my baby to be at the beginning of the line when they line up to go to the bathroom in Kindergarten. I always had to be last...

  10. I don't like how Elliot and Addison go together so much... but that's just me... and to me it sounds kind of gay. With Addison, I'm thinking a name like Tank or Chuck...
    This is why you shouldn't ask people for advice - they give it to you, and it's not what you want to hear. LOL I am sooooooooo excited for you! I can't wait to smell little Elliot's neck and flubbbber his tummy... cuz baby boys are the best. You think girl, I'll think boy, and whoever is right gets the baby, okay? Girls are wonderful too, but it makes me sad for the possible boy if you wish for a girl. It is already decided in HIS/HER dna, so I just hope whatever kind you get will be healthy and happy... I'll think "no colic"! for you too. :o)

  11. CONGRATS!!! This is awsome news.

    I like Addison as a first name personally but I also named a doll Agony. I feel ya about being last in line. Before I was a Warner I was a Watts. No alpha jump for me.

    Does this mean I am going to be Great Aunt? That is just crazy to me. I thought I was old yesterday but today I am really old.

  12. I like Rowan and and Jayne. Cadence is a stripper name, but if that is who she is, well, there's no getting around it. IF I have a girl is will be Calyn. (K-lin). IF I ever get pregnant.

  13. You're not going to believe this, Karie, but "Kyle" as a girls name is on my list to send you! I've only ever met one girl named Kyle and I thought it was the coolest name ever.

    Also, strangely coincidental..."Elliot" was on our list of boy names when I was pregnant with Alex. Weird, huh? Elliot goes perfectly lovely with the name Addison, especially if you give him a nice three syllable middle name. "Rowan "is also beautiful. Sounds regal.

    I just looked up website of common stripper names. "Cadence" was nowhere to be found. You're safe, and in my opinion, it's quite a nice name.

    When I was pregnant, I thought about my favorite characters in literature and "Holden" became a permanent name on our list of boy's names. In this case, "Holden Addison" might be too many "n" sounds. It still sounds pretty handsome to me, but I'm biased.

    How exciting is this?!

  14. This is soo exciting.

    Just so everyone knows, I am just as excited about having a boy as I am about having a girl. Truly, I really love baby boys and get along with them better than baby girls.

    Whatever I get, I will be stoked.

    Wilson loves the name Kyle. So at this point, that's what we're leaning towards if it turns out that it is a girl. We're still in search of the most perfect name, though.

    BTW- for week 11, the baby is the size of a fig. A fig! I love fig newtons.

  15. I really like them all except Rowan. That's not my favorite. I think Elliot is great and I already know a baby/toddler named Kadence. Her dad is in the military so it's even more cute to me because of that. She's a doll. Love, love, love Jayne.
    Have you seen this site?

    It has the 100 most popular names of 2008. Cadence and Elliot are both #45 for girls/boys, Addison (which is very cute for a girl but is even worse than Madison if you're going to use Wilson's last name) is #14. Amy's Holden is on there - #79, Nana's Riley is #36 for girls and #69 for boys. Kylie was #57 for a girl, but Kyle wasn't on the list for a boy or a girl. It's very cute though, so if you want something that isn't quite so common it would be a good way to go.
    Oh, and I think you'll change your mind several times before your baby is born. And possibly once or twice after you meet him/her. : )

  16. With all of my kids, I had a solid list of my top two names. Then...the big moment would come. The doctor would hand me that beautiful little squirmy human with a wrinkly mad face and suddenly, I would know who it was I was holding. When Abby was born, I went in to the hospital with two names. Sam and Abby. I took one look at her and said, "Hello, Abby!"

    Sounds like you and Mr. Dad are on the same name wave length, which is great. My sister had to make up an excuse to get her husband out of the room so that she could fill in the birth certificate without him because he was determined to name my niece "Daisy Mae." While he was out of the room, my siter filled in "Jordan Lynn" instead. True story.

  17. Please, please, please keep your goofy on a leash, Karie. There are underused names that are great.

    Also: Spelling. Don't mess with letters just for fun, it's not fun for anyone else.



  18. I do like being at the front of so many lines!

    Cadence is not so much a stripper. Rather, it is a drum rif in a band; it is also the end few bars of a musical phrase.

    Didn't Elliot have the dragon? Or was Elliot the dragon? Something about a dragon--Pete's Dragon--must have been the dragon's name.

    I like Jayne. If you spell it with a "y" she will always have to spell it for everyone--Taylor is right about the spelling thing.

    Did I mention I like Riley?

  19. Taylor- I don't like any of the names you suggested. Except for Robin. That's cute.

    Nana- I do like Riley. But I sometimes babysit a little boy named Riley. Would that be weird to tell the parents that I'm naming my child Riley??

    Amy- I love boys names for girls!

    Ragan- I'm not sure if this makes you a great aunt....I don't know how that whole thing works. You can just be auntie ragan if that makes you feel better!

  20. Violet is kind of cute, but I'm down with Kyle for boy or girl.

    Even better than the fact that we'll be great aunts, Ragan, is the fact that Amy will be a grandmother. HAhahahhahahahahh! And my mom will be a great grandmother. BWahahahhah!

    Addison is a totally sweet last name. When I got married I went from Warner to Vanderpoel...just when you think it's not possible to be any more "last."

    I love you, Karie, and think your baby is blessed to have you as a mom.

  21. Maybe it's because I haven't known you since you were a baby, but the fact that you're having a baby doesn't make me feel old at all!

    I'm about a million years away from having any desire to be a grandparent and have already decided that any offspring of my offspring will be required to call me Amy...and maybe...just maybe if they're really cute kids...they can call me Mimi. (It sounds enough like Amy that it might keep people who overhear them calling me that, thinking that the kid just can't articulate well.)

    I'm with Wendy. You're gonna be a cool mom. (And your kiddo is going to look cool in the tie-dyed shirts and hemp sandals I'm going to keep her supplied with!)


  22. What? When did you get married? I didn't hear anything about the wedding or the honeymoon or anything.

    Oh, wait!! Are you doing things out of order? Like Act 3 before Act 1?

    Karie, if you don't already know this about me, I've been known to tease! I just can't help it. However, despite getting things out of order, this is a pretty great thing.

    Try to put up with your baby, because when (s)he grows up and has a baby, you'll be a grand parent, which is about the coolest thing in the world.

    Remember: Eat right. Quit smoking. Eat for two or three. Take folic acid. Get to bed early and sleep in.

    And for those of us who don't know this Wilson person, fill us in on the details. Post a photo of him so we know if we should wish that your baby looks like you or him.

    Oh. My list of names:

    Girl -

    Boy -

    Good luck!

  23. Don't you just shudder when you hear little kids call their grandparents "meemaw 'n peepaw"??

    It makes me want to yack.

    If Act 1 is getting married...and Act 3 is having a baby...what is Act 2?

    I happen to be a fan of modern theatre. Sometimes traditional plays make me want to yack, also.

  24. Karen and I are Gramma and Papa. It works for the kids.

    We called my Mother's Dad, Gramps. My understanding is that your Mother couldn't say Grandpa, she said Dumbpa. He didn't like that, so it was changed to Gramps.

    Act 2...let me think...I dunno!! I guess whatever goes on between Act 3 and Act 1. I just tease. I never feel that it has to make sense.

    Some of the best plays we've seen have been at the Utah Shakespearean Festival in Cedar City, where each year they offer 3 Shakespeare plays and 3 "other" plays, ranging from very traditional to very modern. If you've never been to that festival, it's well worth going.

  25. Bob you're very old. It wasn't Karie's mom who couldn't say grandpa, it was her grandmother--me! But you're right about him not wanting to grow old being dumbpa.

    Amy, Nana (Grammy's mom) was so afraid people would think she was a grandmother--she asked us not to call her Nana in public. I always forgot and did it anyway. She thought she didn't look old enough to be a grandmother. A grandmother isn't an old gray-haired, crocheting woman in a rocking chair--she's an active 40-something.

    All, don't be snickering about the gray hair part. By the time we're GREAT grandparents, we certainly have earned our gray-hair--although not the crocheting in a rocking chair thing...
