Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby Class

Baby class is a lot of fun. Wilson and I go to baby class every Thursday in October from 7pm to 9:30pm. It's very long, yes, but the instructor is a hoot and makes it very enjoyable.

One thing that I have noticed is that I am very lucky to be having such an easy pregnancy. There are six or seven other couples in the class and all of the pregnant women sit there, with their feet propped up on chairs, staring blankly at the instructor, or the videos we watch. I know they are all very excited for their babies, but they just look so...unhappy. Back pains, swollen feet, heartburn, babies kicking them in the ribs, etc. You name it, someone has got it. I feel kind of weird because I'm sitting there, smiling and laughing at all the instructor's jokes and following along in the baby book that we got and getting up and down all by myself when we sit on the floor to learn breathing techniques. All of the other women need help getting up and down. All of these women are just as far along as I am, and one woman's baby is due on December 22nd, just like mine! Basically, I'm so grateful that my little B is just cool as a cucumber and not making me feel awful. I just hope that B is as easy when she comes out of the oven as she is while she's in the oven.

Today in class, the instructor said the phrase "poopy diaper baby" and I CRACKED up. I have no idea why it was so funny, but I can't help but giggle to myself just thinking about it.

Poopy Diaper Baby!

Anyways, in response to my cracking up, the instructor said "this is the funnest Lamaze class you will ever take!" Wilson then turns to me and whispers "this is Lamaze?! I just thought it was baby class! We are in a Lamaze class?? What are we, hippies??"


Next Thursday we are taking a tour of Labor and Delivery and also of the nursery. I am SOO excited. I can't wait to see all the little bitty babies and ooh and aww over them. I'm probably more excited about seeing those babies than I am to snack on the M&M's I bought earlier today. I'm also pretty excited about thinking of what my first words to my little B will be. Assuming that I will be able to say anything and not just sit there and sob tears of joy, I hope that B will recognize my voice and be comforted by it.

Oh, B.


  1. I have always believed that babies recognized the voice they have been hearing most during their life inside.

    I think the first thing I said to all my babies was something like, "Hi Honey, I'm so happy to see you."

    It was the happiest I have been in my life. I'm so glad you're able to see and anticipate the joy just about to come to you. You will never forget it.

  2. Oh yes, right after hugging Jennie and telling her I was so happy to see her, I realized I wasn't holding Wendy. We had pretty much decided to have a Wendy (Grammy thought Wendy Warner was a darling name and very mellifluous) but when I looked at her I thought, you aren't Wendy, are you. I think you're Jennie.

    All during my pregnancy, your mom would come up to me, pat my growing abdomen and tell me, that's my Jennie in there. One of those things that makes you go hmmm...

  3. I'm quite sure that your little muffin will recognize your voice as well as her daddy's. Eric couldn't speak when Alex arrived and she was just crying and crying while the nurses were cleaning her up. I kept telling him to talk to her and when he finally could, she immediately stopped crying. Of course, that made HIM cry.

    And, by the way...hippies are always welcome here. *wink*
